Sunday, July 13, 2008


What is information and why is it so important to us. Information is simply defined as "the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence." As intelligent beings we have always communicated important information to each other. If human beings could not have accomplished this we probably would not have survived as a species. All species communicate to survive. Passing on information from one generation to the next. What has evolved for humans is a more and more complex and sophisticated form. The ability to create, transmit, store and retrieve information is what enables human beings to evolve and improve their world.

The creation of information happens all the time for humans, but most of it we ignore. Human beings receive information from many sources. Information is the transmission and reception of new data that is changed into knowledge. Information has been seen as a thing and as a process. Both of these properties can be applied to information throughout its history. Lets look at that history now (Black, 2007).

Black, A. (2007). Information history. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 40 (1), 441-473

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