Thursday, July 10, 2008

Information Transmission

How has information been transmitted? Information has been spoken, written and now digitized. Which form is best is relivent to the time it was created. Many predictions have been made the books and libraries will become obsolete. This is a prediction that I personally never see happening. Even if the format that we put a book in becomes a computer file, patrons will always need that information stored and organized for them. Libraries play an important job to help keep citizens informed and I do not see this ever changing.
Just as paper books replaced clay, stone and animal skins, because it was a more efficient form, so will technology replace books, but not information. Information will always be created in the form of documents and communications. The form will change, but never the need (Gorman, 2007).

Gorman, M. (2007). Our enduring values, librarianship in the 21st century. American Library Association, Chicago, Illinois.

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